Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Best Music of 2008: Part 3 (25-21)

I'm switching things up a little here. While I had originally intended to get through the top 40 in six parts, with 6 to 8 albums revealed in each, I'm going to count down the top 25 five at a time. So, in case you're somewhat math-challenged, that means there will be seven installments in total, with the top five appearing on New Year's Eve.

25. M83 - Saturdays = Youth

Saturdays = YouthThis is a little less over-the-top than most of what I've heard from M83 in the past--well, at least there's a little less of the overly dramatic spoken word segments. The result is an album that is intended to be somewhat reminiscent of Anthony Gonzalez's youth, and may have a similiar effect to those of us who grew up in the 80s.

24. Stephen Malkmus & The JicksReal Emotional Trash

Real Emotional TrashThe latest from the former front-man of indie rock legends Pavement is a strong candidate for "grower of the year", as odd as that distinction sounds. I could tell it was worth repeated listens right from the start, but it took quite a few before I really grew to appreciate it as the most cohesive album of Malkmus' career--which might not necessarily be a good thing to all of his fans.

23. Ryan Adams & The CardinalsCardinology

CardinologyUpon first listen, I thought this one might be almost as good as last year's Easy Tiger, which I considered to be a return to form of sorts for Adams. I even raved about it in a text to a friend. Then, I read the less-than-glowing reviews and wondered if I would change my mind over time--but, I didn't. I can't help but be amused by the third track, "Fix It", which if you don't listen closely enough, you'll think is about repairing a broken relationship--that couldn't further from the truth.

22. David Byrne & Brian Eno - Everything That Happens Will Happen Today

Everything That Happens Will Happen TodayThe house on the cover of this album looks sort of welcoming and the music on this record backs it up, as it certainly has an inviting feel. It strikes a chord with me as I tread further into my early 40s and find myself desiring that familiar sense of home more and more with each passing day.

21. Centro-MaticDual Hawks

Dual HawksTechnically, this wasn't a Centro-Matic album, but a split release with South San Gabriel, a band that consists of the same lineup as Centro-Matic, but with additional guest performers. The two bands' approaches are quite stylistically different, though, with South San Gabriel being the quieter, more cerebral, counterpoint to Centro-Matic's Crazy Horse-esque punch. I prefer Centro-Matic, of course, and while technically, it's all one album, I chose to consider them as separate efforts.


  1. so far, your list rocks. it's so nice to see a list with something other than all indie. it's real good and i'm excited to see the rest of the list!
