Is Curtis Granderson ready?
Maybe, just for today, this should be his at-bat song:
Princeton baseball is back home
4 days ago
Adventures in baseball fanaticism, music obsession, craft beer enthusiasm, and other stuff from out of left field.
mmm...bacon :) |
As a kid in Arizona we didn’t have our own team, but I was drawn to the Braves of Aaron, Mathews and Spahn. When we moved to The Bay I got McCovey, Marichal and Mays. It was heaven and then in ‘68 the A’s came along. With Captain Sal, Reggie, Joe Rudi, and Rollie, having two teams to love was out of sight. When Seattle became home I spent my nights in the Dome. I still think the Mariners, Giants and A’s are all right!The lyrics here seem to imply that McCaughey no longer roots for the Braves, that he was just a fan of the team during the Aaron/Mathews/Spahn era. Spahn is the elder of that trio, and was, in fact, already 33 in 1954, when Aaron made his major league debut with the then Milwaukee Braves. But, the three still had quite a run together, combining for 24 all-star selections—which doesn't even double-count the years when two games were played—from 1955 to 1963.
A fair weather fan is not what I am, even though my zip code has changed. I might smile and enjoy where I’m currently employed, but your soul can’t be rearranged. It’s hard to understand, it’s so hard to understand a fair weather fan.My favorite verse features Pitmon as lead singer, professing her love for the Twins, but admitting a weakness for the Yankees:
I grew up outside of Minneapolis, glued to the radio and the ‘70’s Twins, and the sad sound of crying when they didn’t score enough runs for a Blyleven win. Now I reside in New York City, so I got a little thing for the pinstripes. But when the Twins face the Yanks in the ALDS, you know who this small town girl likes...Quite fitting, I must say, is the reference to her hometown team failing to score enough runs in backing recent Hall of Fame electee Bert Blyleven. His underwhelming 287-250 career won-loss record is probably what prevented him from earning his rightful place in Cooperstown until his 14th year on the ballot.
And there’s bass player Pete, always fast on his feet. No home team, then for sure. He stays fast and loose but if he had to choose, it’d be the Washington Senators.According to Wikipedia, Peter Buck's family moved from California to Atlanta sometime during his youth. The Braves moved there in 1966—Buck was born in 1956—but I guess he didn't latch onto them. I don't know exactly when the family arrived in Atlanta, but if it was pre-1966—when Peter's age was still in the single digits—the Washington Senators, St. Louis Cardinals or Cincinnati Reds would have been the closest thing they had to a home team.
I grew up in LA to the sweet sounds of Vin Scully. That’s how I went to bed most every night. There ain’t a prettier park than the one in Chavez Ravine. I’ve seen many games by the palm trees and the lights. But I sure do love Manhattan -- I took on the AL team in ’93. But now that Torre and Mattingly have moved to LA, it makes it so much easier for me.Obviously the song was written at least a half year before it was released, considering Torre is now out—and Mattingly in—as the manager of the Dodgers. It's hard to imagine someone's two favorite teams being the Dodgers and the Yankees, though.
If Bobby Ojeda hadn't raged at Sullivan and Yawkey,I'm not sure what Ojeda did, other than not pitch as well as the team hoped, to warrant getting shipped out of town by the Red Sox, but both he and Schiraldi played significant roles in Game Six. Ojeda was the starting pitcher for the Mets, giving up two runs over six innings before departing in a tie game. Schiraldi's role, of course, was a little more notable.
and hadn't been traded to the Mets for Calvin Schiraldi.
If Oil Can Boyd hadn't been such a nut case,With the Red Sox leading the series 2-0, Boyd took the mound for game three and gave up four runs in the first inning, en route to a 7-1 Mets victory. Personally, I don't recall the second-guessing of Rice's base running, but I'm not surprised, considering how one-dimensional a player he was.
and Jim Rice had twice taken an easy extra base.
If the Red Sox had had a better playoff fourth starter.Gary Carter's two-run homer off Al Nipper in the third inning of game four gave the Mets a 2-0 lead, on their way to a 6-2 victory.
Instead Nipper served up a big fat slider to Carter.
What would Seaver have done, if not for his bum knee?Seaver turned 42 the month after the completion of the '86 World Series, but his 3.80 ERA in 104 innings would have provided the Sox a much better option than Nipper (159 IP, 5.38 ERA).
Would he have taken the ball and exacted revenge on his old team?
If Gooden had pitched like the real Doctor K,Now, we're getting into "what ifs" that would have resulted in Game Six never happening. Dwight Gooden gave up 8 earned runs on 17 hits in 9 innings in losing two of the series' first five games. Moore served up the crucial homer to Dave Henderson in what could have been the ALCS clincher for the California Angels over the Red Sox. Tragically, less than three years later, Moore committed suicide.
or Donnie Moore hadn't had that nightmare day
that stuck with him 'till he couldn't take anymore,
and turned his own kitchen into a killing floor.
And John McNamara, what the hell was he thinking? Was it him, not the party boy Mets, doing all the drinking? If he'd hit Baylor for Buckner and yanked the first baseman, for his by-the-book late inning defensive replacement, that ball would've been snagged, if it'd ever been hit, and Mookie's last name wouldn't now be "86."Yeah, we've heard about this little piece of second-guessing a few times before. McNamara should've replaced Buckner with Dave Stapleton, of course, but Buckner had good hands and the ball was hit right to him. However, there were plenty of other reasons to second-guess McNamara, but I'm not going into them.
Bob Stanley picked a pretty bad time to uncork a wild pitch, and I'm sure he's still thinking that you could have blocked it Rich. Then the tying run might not have been tallied by Mitch. If one play killed the Sox, can you please tell me which?I remember wondering why this pitch wasn't actually ruled a passed ball. After all, it was at least a foot off the ground when it reached catcher Rich Gedman, and he was able to get his glove on the ball. In hindsight, the pitch clearly crossed Gedman up, so Stanley obviously didn't throw the pitch he was expecting. But, Stanley would be right if he wondered why Rich wasn't able to block it.
I guess everything happens for some sort of reason,Bill Buckner was a good enough player to survive for a long time in the majors, but anyone overemphasizing the fact that he accumulated over 2,700 hits in his career is over-rating him. He had a .289 lifetime batting average, but, as McCaughey sings, he almost never walked, he didn't have much power and, not surprisingly, at best he was an average fielder at the two least important positions on the field. Still, he doesn't deserve to be remembered for that one fateful moment. But, McCaughey has another theory...
and there must be a tragic end to every long season.
If even one man doesn't do one thing he does,
we'd all know Bill Buckner for just what he was.
A pretty tough out for the Dodgers, Red Sox and Cubs.
Ten thousand at bats and close to three thousand hits.
And he stole plenty of bases before his legs quit.
As tough to walk as he was to strike out,
but there's only one play that ever gets talked about.
Now some kind of fame lies in being a scapegoat.I'd never thought about it that way.
And, if not that, then you're just an historical footnote.
And your 22 years playing ball might be forgotten.
Maybe Bill Buckner was lucky his luck was so rotten.