Well, it looks like I've made it through four months of 2012 without drinking the same beer twice, and it's really becoming an enjoyable exercise. But, it will be an even greater challenge in the coming months.
First of all, I've already used up my one Bud Light for the year, as our second softball game of the season happened to fall on a Friday night. I'm not really sure why, but this is the only beer my teammates ever purchase for these post-game down-at-the-field gatherings. But, let me tell you, after drinking one last Friday night, I'm left wondering if I'll ever drink that swill again.
You see, I've reached the age where even drinking one beer results in a less-than-adequate night of sleep. I've struggled with this reality for a few years and even wondered if I should consider giving up drinking entirely, especially considering the new addition to the family. But, I like craft beer too much—and brewing my own on the all-too-rare occasion—that I can't bring myself to take such an extreme measure.
So, I limit my beer drinking to one or two on Friday and Saturday nights and I just deal with being a little tired the next day. But, to feel that way after drinking one Bud Light? Definitely not worth it.
Besides, I have a resolution to maintain.
Back to that subject. The other major challenge, which I've mentioned before but which hasn't yet become relevant, is the home brewing thing. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it, though.
Since I've been tracking my consumption, I'm able to see how much I'm drinking each month and I found a recent trend surprising. Here are my numbers of beers drank each month so far:
January - 14
February - 16
March - 17
April - 12
Now, February included the Super Bowl—oh, what a glorious occasion to drink five beers in one evening—and March included the Farrar/Anders/etc. show (four beers) but, I hadn't realized my April consumption was so low until I counted.
Oh well. I guess I'm slowing down, but the total of 59 through four months means the upper end of my original prediction (180) is looking pretty realistic.
Whether I make it through the entire year without breaking the resolution still remains to be seen.
Princeton baseball is back home
5 days ago
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