I've started writing recently for a new site on the interwebs called BeerGraphs. A spinoff of the fantastic baseball statistics site FanGraphs, BeerGraphs is dedicated to the analytics of beer.
But, although the impetus of the site was Beers Above Replacement, BeerGraphs' proprietary style-indexed measure of a beer's quality, it's not all about bringing statistics to beer. In fact, the BarelyBeer blog is more about experiences around beer that ultimately lead to a review of a particular brew.
While I may write an analytical piece here and there, BarelyBeer is where I'll focus more of my efforts. Here are the two posts I've written for the site so far:
The Real McCoy is a recap of a Father's Day visit to Pawtucket's McCoy Field, being pleased to find one decent craft selection there, and a review of Wachusett's Green Monsta IPA.
Drinking for Charity is about my first tasting of Trillium's OneBoston IPA, a great beer for a great cause.
Circle of Greats 1980 Balloting Part 2
5 days ago
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